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Volunteer with us!
Reading Aces is a fun and easy way to positively impact your community. Once a week for 45 minutes, you will help elementary school students improve their literacy skills at a community center close to campus! Come to as many sites or sessions as your schedule permits.
For all UT students, Reading Aces is now on Hornslink! Follow us to keep up to date with our activities:
To Be Announced
We are currently setting up a recreation center for Mondays; check back soon for more information!
Chestnut Community Center
1183 Chestnut Ave, Austin, TX 78702.
Tuesdays 4:00 PM - 4:45 PM
Oswaldo A.B. Cantu/Pan-American Rec Center
2100 E 3rd St, Austin, TX 78702 Wednesdays 4:00 PM - 4:45 PM
Mendez Rec Center
2407 Canterbury St, Austin, TX 78702
Thursdays 4:20 PM - 5:05 PM
Harmony School of Innovation-Sugar Land
Michael E. DeBakey High School for Health Professions
We currently have two high school Reading Aces affiliates in Houston. Please contact your Reading Aces affiliate club or for more information about volunteering opportunities in Houston!